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Version: Current

Substrate Subsquid Network API


The Substrate API of Subsquid Network is currently in beta. Breaking changes may be introduced in the future releases.

Subsquid Network API distributes the requests over a (potentially decentralized) network of workers. The main gateway URL now points at a router that provides URLs of workers that do the heavy lifting. Each worker has its own range of blocks that it serves. The recommended data retrieval procedure is as follows:

  1. Retrieve the dataset height from the router with GET /height.
  2. Query the router for an URL of a worker that has the data for the first block of the relevant range with GET /${firstBlock}/worker.
  3. Retrieve the data from the worker with POST /, making sure to set the "fromBlock" query field to ${firstBlock}.
  4. Exclude the received blocks from the relevant range by setting firstBlock to the value of header.number of the last received block plus one.
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 until all the required data is retrieved.

Implementation example:

In Python
def get_text(url: str) -> str:
res = requests.get(url)
return res.text

def dump(
gateway_url: str,
query: Query,
first_block: int,
last_block: int
) -> None:
assert 0 <= first_block <= last_block
query = dict(query) # copy query to mess with it later

dataset_height = int(get_text(f'{gateway_url}/height'))
next_block = first_block
last_block = min(last_block, dataset_height)

while next_block <= last_block:
worker_url = get_text(f'{gateway_url}/{next_block}/worker')

query['fromBlock'] = next_block
query['toBlock'] = last_block
res =, json=query)
blocks = res.json()

last_processed_block = blocks[-1]['header']['number']
next_block = last_processed_block + 1
for block in blocks:

Full code here.

Router API

GET /height (get height of the dataset)

Example response: 16576911.

GET ${firstBlock}/worker (get a suitable worker URL)

The returned worker will be capable of processing POST / requests in which the "fromBlock" field is equal to ${firstBlock}.

Example response:

Worker API

POST / (query logs and transactions)
Query Fields

In all cases, empty lists of requests request no data. Omit a field or send a null for a wildcard subscription.

Example Request
"type": "substrate",
"fromBlock": 4669000,
"fields": {
"event": {
"name": true,
"args": true
"call": {
"name": true,
"args": true
"events": [
"name": ["Balances.Transfer"]
Example Response
"header": {
"number": 4669000,
"hash": "0xa4667263922a1f71708993dc923b974bdece3a117538d3654f44ace403e6614f",
"parentHash": "0x068d9e6dc7f3245df45a00a6a18ed1a07e64a53997f5f3f89e8b09c9db267b2b"
"events": []
"header": {
"number": 4669005,
"hash": "0x7ae89bccf9d8a3fcb33b9310bff5d83aaf905099e32dd7766443c9b96143cde9",
"parentHash": "0x36c515ee7a74db78a4ddee5734e8a79440e08bafd7e440886c7fcfd0d6389088"
"events": [
"index": 1,
"extrinsicIndex": 1,
"callAddress": [],
"name": "Balances.Transfer",
"args": [
"header": {
"number": 4669010,
"hash": "0xbfd4448702ab2def722c6638c3d2062b7ca2cd62f71801ab467b1484bcb259a6",
"parentHash": "0x5cb9bfcd169b9cacfa8f3b58212c151fc69e5cadf661162cd88f221888420942"
"events": []

Data requests


name: string[],
call: boolean,
stack: boolean,
extrinsic: boolean

An event will be included in the response if it matches all the requests. An empty array matches no events; omit all requests to match all events. See Substrate events for a detailed description of data request fields.


name: string[],
subcalls: boolean,
extrinsic: boolean,
stack: boolean,
events: boolean

A call will be included in the response if it matches all the requests. An empty array matches no calls; omit all requests to match all calls. See Substrate calls for a detailed description of data request fields.

Contracts.ContractEmitted events


Contract addresses supplied with this data request must be hexadecimal (i.e. decoded from SS58) and lowecased. Addresses in all responses will be in the same format.

contractAddress: string[],
call: boolean,
stack: boolean,
extrinsic: boolean

A Contracts.ContractEmitted event will be included in the response if it matches all the requests. An empty array matches no events; omit all requests to match all Contracts.ContractEmitted events. See ink! contracts support.

EVM.Log events


Contract addresses supplied with this data request must be in lowercase. Addresses in all responses will be in the same format.

address: string[],
topic0: string[],
topic1: string[],
topic2: string[],
topic3: string[],
call: boolean,
stack: boolean,
extrinsic: boolean

An EVM.Log event will be included in the response if it matches all the requests. An empty array matches no events; omit all requests to match all EVM.Log events. See Frontier EVM support.

Ethereum.transact calls


Contract addresses supplied with this data request must be in lowercase. Addresses in all responses will be in the same format.

to: string[],
sighash: string[],
extrinsic: boolean,
stack: boolean,
events: boolean

An Ethereum.transact call will be included in the response if it matches all the requests. An empty array matches no calls; omit all requests to match all Ethereum.transact calls. See Frontier EVM support.

Gear.MessageQueued events

programId: string[],
call: boolean,
stack: boolean,
extrinsic: boolean

A Gear.MessageQueued event will be included in the response if it matches all the requests. An empty array matches no events; omit all requests to match all Gear.MessageQueued events. See Gear support.

Gear.UserMessageSent events

programId: string[],
call: boolean,
stack: boolean,
extrinsic: boolean

A Gear.UserMessageSent event will be included in the response if it matches all the requests. An empty array matches no events; omit all requests to match all Gear.UserMessageSent events. See Gear support.

Data fields selector

A JSON selector of fields for the returned data items. Documented in the Field selectors section.