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The schema file supports GraphQL Interfaces for modelling complex types sharing common traits. Interfaces are annotated with @query at the type level and do not affect the backing database schema, only enriching the GraphQL API queries with inline fragments.


interface MyEntity @query {
id: ID!
name: String
ref: Ref

type Ref @entity {
id: ID!
name: String
foo: Foo! @unique
bar: Bar! @unique

type Foo implements MyEntity @entity {
id: ID!
name: String
ref: Ref @derivedFrom(field: "foo")
foo: Int

type Bar implements MyEntity @entity {
id: ID!
name: String
ref: Ref @derivedFrom(field: "bar")
bar: Int

type Baz implements MyEntity @entity {
id: ID!
name: String
ref: Ref
baz: Int

The MyEntity interface above enables myEntities and myEntitiesConnection GraphQL API queries with inline fragments and the _type, __typename meta fields:

query {
myEntities(orderBy: [_type_DESC, id_ASC]) {
ref {
... on Foo { foo }
... on Bar { bar }
... on Baz { baz }