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Field selection


Set the fields to be retrieved for data items of each supported type. The options object has the following structure:

log?: // field selector for logs
transaction?: // field selector for transactions
stateDiff?: // field selector for state diffs
trace?: // field selector for traces
block?: // field selector for block headers

Every field selector is a collection of boolean fields, typically (with a notable exception of trace field selectors) mapping one-to-one to the fields of data items within the batch context iterables. Defining a field of a field selector of a given type and setting it to true will cause the processor to populate the corresponding field of all data items of that type. Here is a definition of a processor that requests gas and value fields for transactions:

let processor = new EvmBatchProcessor()
transaction: {
gas: true,
value: true

Same fields will be available for all data items of any given type, including nested items. Suppose we used the processor defined above to subscribe to some transactions as well as some logs, and for each log we requested a parent transaction:

// some log data requests
transaction: true
// some transaction data requests

As a result, gas and value fields would be available both within the transaction items of the transactions iterable of block data and within the transaction items that provide parent transaction information for the logs:, async ctx => {
for (let block of ctx.blocks) {
for (let txn of block.transactions) {
let txnGas = txn.gas // OK
for (let log of block.logs) {
let parentTxnGas = log.transaction.gas // also OK!

Some data fields, like hash for transactions, are enabled by default but can be disabled by setting a field of a field selector to false. For example, this code will not compile:

let processor = new EvmBatchProcessor()
transaction: {
hash: false
// some transaction data requests
}), async ctx => {
for (let block of ctx.blocks) {
for (let txn of block.transactions) {
let txnHash = txn.hash // ERROR: no such field

Disabling unused fields will improve sync performance, as the disabled fields will not be fetched from the Subsquid Network gateway.

Data item types and field selectors


Most IDEs support smart suggestions to show the possible field selectors. For VS Code, press Ctrl+Space.

Here we describe the data item types as functions of the field selectors. Unless otherwise mentioned, each data item type field maps to the eponymous field of its corresponding field selector. Item fields are divided into three categories:

  • Fields that are added independently of the setFields() call. These are either fixed or depend on the related data retrieval flags (e.g. transaction for logs).
  • Fields that can be disabled by setFields(). E.g. a topics field will be fetched for logs by default, but can be disabled by setting topics: false within the log field selector.
  • Fields that can be requested by setFields(). E.g. a transactionHash field will only be available in logs if the log field selector sets transactionHash: true.


Log data items may have the following fields:

Log {
// independent of field selectors
id: string
logIndex: number
transactionIndex: number
block: BlockHeader
transaction?: Transaction

// can be disabled with field selectors
address: string
data: string
topics: string[]

// can be requested with field selectors
transactionHash: string

See the block headers section for the definition of BlockHeader and the transactions section for the definition of Transaction.


Transaction data items may have the following fields:

Transaction {
// independent of field selectors
id: string
transactionIndex: number
block: BlockHeader

// can be disabled with field selectors
from: string
to?: string
hash: string

// can be requested with field selectors
gas: bigint
gasPrice: bigint
maxFeePerGas?: bigint
maxPriorityFeePerGas?: bigint
input: string
nonce: number
value: bigint
v?: bigint
r?: string
s?: string
yParity?: number
chainId?: number
gasUsed?: bigint
cumulativeGasUsed?: bigint
effectiveGasPrice?: bigint
contractAddress?: string
type?: number
status?: number
sighash: string

status field contains the value returned by eth_getTransactionReceipt: 1 for successful transactions, 0 for failed ones and undefined for chains and block ranges not compliant with the post-Byzantinum hard fork EVM specification (e.g. 0-4,369,999 on Ethereum).

type field is populated similarly. For example, on Ethereum 0 is returned for Legacy txs, 1 for EIP-2930 and 2 for EIP-1559. Other networks may have a different set of types.

See the block headers section for the definition of BlockHeader.

State diffs

StateDiff data items may have the following fields:

StateDiff {
// independent of field selectors
transactionIndex: number
block: BlockHeader
transaction?: Transaction
address: string
key: 'balance' | 'code' | 'nonce' | string

// can be disabled with field selectors
kind: '=' | '+' | '*' | '-'
prev?: string | null
next?: string | null

The meaning of the kind field values is as follows:

  • '=': no change has occured;
  • '+': a value was added;
  • '*': a value was changed;
  • '-': a value was removed.

The values of the key field are regular hexadecimal contract storage key strings or one of the special keys 'balance' | 'code' | 'nonce' denoting ETH balance, contract code and nonce value associated with the state diff.

See the block headers section for the definition of BlockHeader and the transactions section for the definition of Transaction.


Field selection for trace data items is somewhat more involved because its fixed fields action and result may contain different fields depending on the value of the type field. The retrieval of each one of these subfields is configured independently. For example, to ensure that all traces of 'call' type contain the .action.gas field, the processor must be configured as follows:

trace: {
callGas: true

The full Trace type with all its possible (sub)fields looks like this:

Trace {
// independent of field selectors
transactionIndex: number
block: BlockHeader
transaction?: Transaction
traceAddress: number[]
type: 'create' | 'call' | 'suicide' | 'reward'
subtraces: number

// can be disabled with field selectors
error: string | null

// can be requested with field selectors
// if (type==='create')
action: {
// request the subfields with
from: string // createFrom: true
value: bigint // createValue: true
gas: bigint // createGas: true
init: string // createInit: true
result?: {
gasUsed: bigint // createResultGasUsed: true
code: string // createResultCode: true
address?: string // createResultAddress: true
// if (type==='call')
action: {
from: string // callFrom: true
to: string // callTo: true
value: bigint // callValue: true
gas: bigint // callGas: true
sighash: string // callSighash: true
input: string // callInput: true
result?: {
gasUsed: bigint // callResultGasUsed: true
output: string // callResultOutput: true
// if (type==='suicide')
action: {
address: string // suicideAddress: true
refundAddress: string // suicideRefundAddress: true
balance: bigint // suicideBalance: true
// if (type==='reward')
action: {
author: string // rewardAuthor: true
value: bigint // rewardValue: true
type: string // rewardType: true

Block headers

BlockHeader data items may have the following fields:

// independent of field selectors
hash: string
height: number
id: string
parentHash: string

// can be disabled with field selectors
timestamp: number

// can be requested with field selectors
nonce?: string
sha3Uncles: string
logsBloom: string
transactionsRoot: string
stateRoot: string
receiptsRoot: string
mixHash?: string
miner: string
difficulty?: bigint
totalDifficulty?: bigint
extraData: string
size: bigint
gasLimit: bigint
gasUsed: bigint
baseFeePerGas?: bigint

A complete example

import {EvmBatchProcessor} from '@subsquid/evm-processor'
import * as gravatarAbi from './abi/gravatar'
import * as erc721abi from './abi/erc721'
import {TypeormDatabase} from '@subsquid/typeorm-store'

const gravatarRegistryContract = '0x2e645469f354bb4f5c8a05b3b30a929361cf77ec'
const gravatarTokenContract = '0xac5c7493036de60e63eb81c5e9a440b42f47ebf5'

const processor = new EvmBatchProcessor()
.setBlockRange({ from: 6_000_000 })
address: [
topic0: [,,
to: [
range: { from: 15_500_000 },
sighash: [
log: {
topics: true,
data: true,
transaction: {
from: true,
input: true,
to: true
}) TypeormDatabase(), async (ctx) => {
// Simply output all the items in the batch.
// It is guaranteed to have all the data matching the data requests,
// but not guaranteed to not have any other data., "Got blocks")