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Version: FireSquid

Quickstart: generate from ABI

The abi template generates a ready-to-use squid from an EVM contract ABI. The squid decodes and indexes the EVM logs and transactions of the contract into a local Postgres database. Additionally, it serves the indexed data with a rich GraphQL API supporting pagination and filtering.


Before getting to work on your very first squid, verify that you have installed the following software:

  • Node v16.x or newer
  • Squid CLI v2.1.0 or newer
  • Docker

With the exception of sqd init, sqd commands mentioned here are just scripts defined in commands.json that the sqd executable automatically discovers. Take a look at the contents of this file to learn more about how squids work under the hood.

Please note:

  • The squid template is not compatible with yarn. Use npm instead.

Step 1: Scaffold from a template

Come up with a new memorable name for your squid and scaffold from squid-abi-template using sqd init:

sqd init my-awesome-squid --template abi
cd my-awesome-squid
# install the dependencies
npm ci

Step 2: Generate the squid

  • Consult the EVM configuration page and choose an archive endpoint from the list of supported EVM networks.
  • Prepare the contract ABI and save it into the assets folder, e.g. as assets/abi.json.

For public contracts the ABI can be fetched automatically using an Etherscan-like API. To do so simply omit the --abi flag. Check out

sqd generate --help

for a list of supported CLI options.

Generate the squid with

sqd generate \
--address <address> \
--abi <path to contract ABI> \
--archive <network archive alias or endpoint URL> \
--event '*' \
--function '*' \
--from <starting block>


sqd generate \
--address 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F \
--abi abi/erc20.json \
--archive eth-mainnet \
--event '*' \
--function '*' \
--from 1000000

Squid generation tools can also be configured with YAML files. This mode unlocks advanced features such as working with multiple contracts and saving the squid data to file-based datasets.

Step 3: Launch Postgres in a detached Docker container

sqd up

Step 4: Generate the schema migrations

sqd migration:generate

Step 5: Run the squid processor

Run the processor with

sqd process

The squid now ingests the contract transactions and event log data, decodes it and stores it in the database.

Step 6: Start the GraphQL server

In a separate terminal window, run

sqd serve
# in yet another window
sqd open http://localhost:4350/graphql

This starts a GraphQL server serving the indexed events and transactions from the local database. The GraphQL playground is available at http://localhost:4350/graphql. Open it in a browser and run sample queries by applying filters and data selections in the panel to the left.

query MyQuery {
contractEventTransfers(limit: 10) {

What's next?