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Version: FireSquid

EVM typegen

Since @subsquid/evm-typegen@2.0.0

The squid-evm-typegen(1) tool generates TypeScript facades for EVM transactions, logs and eth_call queries.

The generated facades are assumed to be used by squids indexing EVM data.

The tool takes a JSON ABIs as an input. Those can be specified in three ways:

  1. as a plain JSON file(s):

    npx squid-evm-typegen src/abi erc20.json

    If you use this option, you can also place your JSON ABIs to the abi folder and run.

    sqd typegen

    Script is available in all EVM templates.

  2. as a contract address (to fetch the ABI from Etherscan API). Once can pass multiple addresses at once.

    npx squid-evm-typegen src/abi 0xBB9bc244D798123fDe783fCc1C72d3Bb8C189413
  3. as an arbitrary URL:

    npx squid-evm-typegen src/abi

In all cases typegen will use basename of the ABI as the root name for the generated files. You can change the basename of generated files using the fragment (#) suffix.

squid-evm-typegen src/abi 0xBB9bc244D798123fDe783fCc1C72d3Bb8C189413#my-contract-name


output-diroutput directory for generated definitions
abiA contract address, an URL or a local path to the ABI file. Accepts multiple contracts.


--multicallgenerate a facade for the MakerDAO multicall contract. May significantly improve the performance of contract state calls by batching RPC requests (see below)
--etherscan-api <url>etherscan API to fetch contract ABI by a known address. By default,
--cleandelete output directory before the run
-h, --helpdisplay help for command



The EVM log data is provided by the event object with wrappers for each event defined in the ABI.


Subscribe to two topics:

// generated by evm-typegen
import { events } from "./abi/weth";

const processor = new EvmBatchProcessor()
archive: '',
], {
filter: [[
events.Deposit.topic, events.Withdrawal.topic
data: {
evmLog: {
topics: true,
data: true,
} as const,

Decode event data: TypeormDatabase(), async (ctx) => {
for (let c of ctx.blocks) {
for (let i of c.items) {
if (i.kind === 'evmLog' && i.evmLog.topics[0] == events.Deposit.topic) {
// type-safe decoding of the Deposit event data
const amt = events.Deposit.decode(i.evmLog).wad


Similar to events, transaction access is provided by the functions object for each contract method defined in the ABI.

Contract state calls

The typegen creates a wrapper Contract class for each contract. Create a Contract instance using the processor context and the block height at which the state should be queried.


// generated by evm-typegen
import { Contract } from "./abi/weth";

let contractAddress = '0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2'.toLowerCase() TypeormDatabase(), async (ctx) => {
for (let c of ctx.blocks) {
// call totalSupply() at the current block
let blockHeader = c.header
let supply = await (new Contract(ctx, blockHeader, contractAddress).totalSupply())

Batching contract state calls using the Multicall contract

Use the --multicall flag to generate the Multicall facade class for the MakerDAO Multicall contract. See Batch state queries for more context.

The Multicall facade exposes the method

tryAggregate<Args extends any[], R>(
func: Func<Args, {}, R>,
calls: [address: string, args: Args][],
paging?: number
): Promise<MulticallResult<R>[]>

The arguments are as follows:

  • func: the contract function to be called
  • calls: an array of tuples [contractAddress: string, args]. Each specified contract will be called with the specified arguments.
  • paging an (optional) argument for the maximal number of calls to be batched into a single JSON PRC request. Note that large page sizes may cause timeouts.

A typical usage is as follows:

// generated by evm-typegen
import { functions } from "./abi/mycontract";
import { Multicall } from "./abi/multicall";

const MY_CONTRACT='0xac5c7493036de60e63eb81c5e9a440b42f47ebf5' TypeormDatabase(), async (ctx) => {
for (let c of ctx.blocks) {
for (let i of c.items) {
// some logic
const lastBlock = ctx.blocks[ctx.blocks.length - 1];
// Multicall address for Ethereum is 0x5ba1e12693dc8f9c48aad8770482f4739beed696
const multicall = new Multicall(ctx, lastBlock, '0x5ba1e12693dc8f9c48aad8770482f4739beed696')
// call MY_CONTRACT.myContractMethod("foo") and MY_CONTRACT.myContractMethod("bar")
const args = ["foo", "bar"]
const results = await multicall.tryAggregate(functions.myContractMethod, => [MY_CONTRACT, a]) as [string, any[]], 100);

results.forEach((res, i) => {
if (res.success) {`Result for argument ${args[i]} is ${res.value}`);

Migration from evm-typegen@1.x

  • In evm-typegen@2.0, the --abi, and --output flags are replaced by the positional arguments. For example, the command

    npx squid-evm-typegen --abi src/abi/ERC721.json --output src/abi/erc721.ts

    is replaced with

    npx squid-evm-typegen src/abi src/abi/ERC721.json
  • The events object generated by evm-typegen@2.0 exposes events by name, not by the full signature. For example,


    should be replaced with a more readable
