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Version: Current


This section goes through serverless deployment of an indexing project (squid) to Subsquid Cloud. The deployment is managed by the file squid.yaml in the root folder of the squid and defines:


Squids are deployed with a collocated profile by default. This is a highly constrained configuration that's only useful when performance is not important (e.g. in development). Use the dedicated profile for squids running in production.


Make sure to check our best practices guide before deploying to production!


Consider our RPC proxy service if your squid requires an endpoint.

0. Install Squid CLI

Follow this guide, including the optional authentication steps.


The manifest-based deployment flow below was introduced in @subsquid/cli version 2.x. Follow the migration guide to upgrade from older versions of @subsquid/cli.

1. Inspect and deploy using the manifest

Navigate to the squid folder and make sure squid.yaml is present in the root. See the Deploy Manifest page for a full reference.

To deploy a new version or update the existing one (define in the manifest), run

sqd deploy .

For a full list of available deploy options, inspect sqd deploy help.


By default your squid will be deployed as collocated. Collocated squids are intended for development and prototyping only. They share resources with each other and may have stability issues. For production we strongly recommend to deploy your squids as dedicated instead.

2. Monitor Squid logs

Once the squid is deployed, the GraphQL endpoint is available straight away. Normally one should wait until the squid has processed all historical blocks and is fully in sync.

To inspect the squid logs run

sqd logs my-new-squid@v0 -f 

See the logging page for more details on how to inspect logs with sqd.

You can also read logs on the squid page in Cloud. The page also has credentials for direct database access and some metrics visualizations.

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